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8 compelling reasons to insure your non-profit organization

When times are tough, companies examine their expenses more carefully. Some non-profit organizations may even consider going without coverage to save money. 

Here’s why securing and maintaining coverage can help non-profits prepare for the future:

1. Insurance protects your organization’s assets, as well as the personal assets of individual decision makers.

Remember, even frivolous claims can cost you time and money to defend yourself.

2. Employment Practices Liability (EPL) coverage has never been more vital.

As a result of rising social and political movements (#MeToo), workplace harassment lawsuits are sharply increasing. Employment Practices Liability (EPL) coverage responds when, for example, employees sue companies, alleging discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination.

3. The Volunteer Protection Act is not a replacement for Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) or EPL coverage.

The Act/Law does not prevent a volunteer from being sued. In addition, compensated individuals (the most obvious being compensated employees and directors or officers) are not provided protection under the law.

4. You get easy access to our risk management library.

When you’re insured with Victor, you get access to important information to help you take control of your risks. We also provide valuable tools that help you improve your employment practices procedures.

5. Non-profit D&O coverage can provide added protection that is very beneficial for an organization’s professional employees and the organization itself.

Some coverage extensions may include protection against anti-trust allegations and claims stemming from services provided such as certification, peer review, accreditation, and the publishing of newsletters and trade journals.

6. Victor has been writing Non-profit D&O and EPL coverage for almost 20 years.

  • Online, instant quotes for many classes.
  • Our underwriters are some of the best-trained in the market and boast a strong understanding of the non-profit industry.
  • We provide rapid turnaround for quotes and a wide range of risk management resources to help you avoid risk.

7. Who will be with you if a claim is brought against your firm?

When you’re a Victor policyholder and a lawsuit is brought against you, we’ll match you with an experienced defense attorney who will fight for your organization.

8. If you do have coverage in place, do not let it lapse. It will be as though it never existed.

D&O and EPL policies are written on claims-made policies, meaning that coverage must be in force at the time of the claim to be covered. Even if your policy was active at the time, if a claim is brought against you after you’ve let your coverage lapse, it won’t be covered by that policy. Keeping your coverage is the best way to protect yourself against future claims.

To learn more, email or connect with your business development contact

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